2022 Jul 27

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (CEPYME) has included EXTRACO among the 500 companies that grew the most during the 2021 financial year. By means of this distinction, CEPYME identifies, selects, and promotes companies that spearheaded growth (both in terms of business results and capacity to generate added value, employment, innovation, and international [...]
read more...2022 Jun 16

Under the umbrella of the cycle “Sustainability and circularity of materials”, last April 28, the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN) organized the workshop “Materials based on secondary raw materials” through the Materioteca de Galicia. EXTRACO was one of the speakers invited to the technical conference, held at CIS Tecnoloxía e Deseño in Ferrol (A Coruña), [...]
read more...2022 May 27
Se convoca a los Sres. Accionistas de la mercantil “EXTRACO CONSTRUCCIÓNS E PROXECTOS, S.A.” (en adelante, la “Sociedad”) a la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas, que tendrá lugar en el domicilio social, sito en Camiño da Cima, 24 – primero, Ourense, el próximo día 29 de junio de 2022, a las 17:00 horas, en primera [...]
read more...2022 May 11

The monastery of Santa María la Real de Oseira, in San Cristovo de Cea (Ourense), opened at the end of March a new pilgrim hostel, completing the previous existing one in the monastic complex, which was also refurbished by EXTRACO, commissioned by the Axencia de Turismo de Galicia (Galician Tourism Agency). Last 28th March, the [...]
read more...2022 Apr 6

EXTRACO has completed the urban development of the Business Park of Morás (phase B) in Arteixo (A Coruña). With a surface of more than 600,000 m2, this is the biggest business park of Northern Galicia, and it has been promoted by Xestur, the entity responsible of the soil management of the autonomous region. The construction [...]
read more...2022 Mar 17

The new administrative complex “Espazo Amizar”, built by an EXTRACO-Gómez Crespo joint venture for the Xunta de Galicia, has been operating full since last February, after 280 staff members of the Social Policy, Employment and Equal Opportunities Department were successfully transferred and all planned services were made available to the public. Previously, more than 4,000 [...]
read more...2022 Feb 23

EXTRACO’s Project “ALFILLER: Valorization of asphalt plant recovery filler for the development of cement-based eco-products”, submitted in the category SMEs/entrepreneurs, has been awarded a prize by Renault Group Fundación España and the Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad at the “9th Awards to the best practice in Sustainable and Accessible Mobility”. It is a R&D&I project [...]
read more...2022 Feb 4

Year 1 ESO students of Secondary School IES de Soutomaior (Pontevedra) visited Arcade’s wastewater treatment plant, whose management and maintenance is in hands of a consortium made up by EXTRACO and Asteisa. During the educational visit on 16 December, 87 Biology and Geology students participated in this visit and they studied in situ the final [...]
read more...2022 Jan 10

The activities planned within the 2021 7th Civil Engineering Meetings, held on 19 December at the Church of Santiago, in A Coruña, concluded with a Christmas concert. The CARABÉ choir performed an a capella program —fully made up by Christmas carols and music— with pieces that ranged from the Renaissance to the current date. Mr. [...]
read more...2021 Dec 29

At the North of Lima (Perú), the new sanitary landfill of the province of Huaura is now fully operative, available to a population of over 190,000 people. Thanks to its implementation, the habitants of Hualmay, Huaura, Santa María, Vegueta, Caleta de Carquín and Huacho districts no longer need to dispose their waste without being separated [...]