The R&D&i Department was created in the year 2009, to the sole purpose of coordinating and systematizing the Technological Research, Development and Innovation activities carried out by the company. To do so, an R&D&i Management System has been developed and implemented as per the UNE-EN-ISO 166002-2006 standard, which is integrated to the system already implemented in the company based on quality, environmental, health and safety standards.
As a member of Asociación de Empresas de Conservación y Explotación de Infraestructuras (ACEX) [Association of Infrastructure Upkeep and Operation Enterprises], Extraco S.A. has previously participated in different R&D&i projects in the 2006-2009 triennial, among which the following stand out:
Optimization of road safety solutions applied as of conservation.
In cooperation with the rest of the ACEX associates, the E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid [Civil Engineers Technical School of Madrid] and Agustín de Betancourt Foundation. Its purpose was that of establishing advanced procedures for design and implementation of actions towards roadway safety improvement through the habitual operations of roadway conservation.
Optimization of preventive treatment for roads in winter, through detailed weather forecasts, to minimize their economic, social and environmental impact.
This project was developed in cooperation with Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha [Environmental Sciences Institute of University of Castilla La Mancha] and other associated companies.
Its main purpose was that of preparing procedures for customized meteorological forecasts, of a great spatial detail at the time of forecasting the occurrence of snowfalls and frosts at any point in the road network with a PROMES numeric model.
Design of a satellite positioning system for improvement of snowplough and supplementary vehicles fleet management.
The purpose of the project was that of defining information system which, based on a unique positioning process, allows optimizing of operations of road preservation fleets.
In this project, cooperation was provided by the companies associated to ACEX and a research team made up of Experts from GMV Sistemas S.A. and Centro de Tecnología Aeronáutica y Espacial de Cataluña (CTAE) [Spatial and Aeronautical Technology Center] – Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC).
Cooperation with Institutions
Reference body of the R&D&i system of Galicia in the environmental area, participating in groups of work towards water quality, waste management and treatment, and environmental technologies.
E.T.S. Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos [Civil Engineers Technical School of Madrid] Civil Engineering Foundation of Galicia.
G4+ Research Team: Analysis, diagnosis and strategic design of companies, business networks and territory.
Research Group
TF1-Photogrammetry and Tele-detection
Cercanas E.T.S. Ingenieros de Minas.
Proyecto SITEGI