Aware of the commitment of public administrations to foster the participation in the private sector through their investment in infrastructure, Extraco S.A. has a presence in several concession companies for works of public ownership. These associations are in charge of the preservation, maintenance and exploitation of transportation and public equipment infrastructure within the administrative concession regime.
Concessionaire Investee Companies by Extraco, S.A.
Concesionaria Santiago-Brión S.A. (Concessionaire)
This is a public works concession contract for the building and operation of the Santiago-Brión Carriageway (AG-56) which is 15 km in length and which includes the variant which joins the population of As Galanas (N-550) with Paradiñas (AG-52).
Type of concession: Canon fee system, financed by Xunta de Galicia, for 30 years.
Scheduled date for operation start: February 2008.
More information at:
Aucel S.A.
(Orense-Celanova Carriageway, Concessionaire Firm of Xunta de Galicia S.A.) Created in the year 2009, this Corporation built and runs the high-capacity freeway, which connects Autovía das Rías Baixas A-52 with the town of Celanova (Ourense).
Type of concession: Shadow toll regimen, for 30 years.
Scheduled date for operation start: January 2013.