EXTRACO, S.A. has an Ethics Channel, through which its employees and interested parties can submit, with guaranteed confidentiality, any queries and/or complaints regarding the interpretation, application and non-compliance with the company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, both by the company and its employees and managers. This channel is used to report any irregularity or breach of current legislation that may have been committed by them, in order to improve the company’s performance and to comply with the principles of ethics and transparency that govern the company’s day-to-day operations.
For these purposes, EXTRACO, S.A. provides its employees and interested third parties with the following contact addresses:
E-mail: canaletico@extraco.es
Postal mail: EXTRACO, S.A. Canal Ético. Apartado de Correos 1032. CP 32080 Ourense (Spain)
Código Ético