The works for the new bus station in Lebrija (Seville), built by Extraco on the commission of the Regional Government of Andalusia, already completed and accepted, were conducted in two interventions: on the one hand, the actual building, with an area for passengers, bathrooms and cafeteria, together with the roof for platforms and waiting area, [...]
read more...Nov28
The El Ferral firing and maneuvering range, at the RPAS operations center of the Conde de Gazola base, in San Andrés de Rabanedo (León), has a new take-off and landing runway for drones, a project promoted by the General Directorate of Infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense. In addition to the conditioning and extension of [...]
read more...Oct28
This academic year starts with updated premises for the Jálama Secondary School, in Moraleja (Cáceres). The educational complex now has five buildings, two more than before Extraco’s expansion, regrouping and renovation project. The premises have grown from ten thousand square meters to more than seventeen thousand. The works, promoted by the Regional Government of Extremadura, [...]
read more...Sep28
The Alianza Galega polo Clima (Galician Climate Alliance), an institutional initiative that aims at making Galicia a benchmark in climate change resilience, has Extraco among its members. The entity welcomes companies, professional associations, trade unions, environmental organizations, the civil society or public administrations that want to contribute experience, knowledge or ideas in favor of sustainability. [...]
read more...Aug20
The city of Igualada (Barcelona) has a new access from the C-37 highway. The works, executed by Extraco in a joint venture, included a +1-kilometer-long road, with four traffic circles and a unique metal viaduct over the Anoia River, with three spans and a central arch over the main one. Two of the traffic circles, [...]
read more...Jul12
El Consejo de Administración de la mercantil “EXTRACO CONSTRUCCIÓNS E PROXECTOS, S.A.” ha recibido una solicitud de publicación de complemento a la convocatoria en relación a la Junta General Ordinaria y Extraordinaria que se celebrará en la sede de Notarios Asociados, Avda. de la Habana, 39, Entresuelo, 32003, Ourense (Notaría de D. Enrique Hernanz Vila [...]
read more...Jun28
Se convoca a los Sres. Accionistas de la mercantil “EXTRACO CONSTRUCCIÓNS E PROXECTOS, S.A.”, (la “Sociedad”) a la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas, que tendrá lugar en la sede de Notarios Asociados, Avda. de la Habana, 39, Entresuelo, 32003, Ourense (Notaría de D. Enrique Hernanz Vila y Dª María Isabel Louro García), el próximo día [...]
read more...May20
In addition to collaborating with various universities in R&D&I projects, Extraco also offers its support in training activities. Hence, at the end of last April, company experts accompanied and guided Civil Engineering students enrolled in the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), specifically in the Polytechnic School of Lugo, during a visit to the Richinol [...]
read more...Apr25
The comprehensive upgrading of accessibility at the Palacio de Congresos station in Seville, executed by Extraco, included the adaptation of accesses, road surfaces and handrails to current regulations, as well as the ground consolidation and platform improvement. A new lighting system was also installed and work was done on the signaling and finishing of the [...]
read more...Mar28
The West Panama region has new headquarters for the Electoral Court of La Chorrera, a facility that will serve a population of approximately 354,000 people to carry out procedures related to the Registry of Births, Marriages, Deaths, Identification and Electoral Organization. The works, executed by Extraco, involved the construction of a building with modern and [...]