2024 Dec 20
Lebrija inaugurates its bus station designed for urban integration
The works for the new bus station in Lebrija (Seville), built by Extraco on the commission of the Regional Government of Andalusia, already completed and accepted, were conducted in two interventions: on the one hand, the actual building, with an area for passengers, bathrooms and cafeteria, together with the roof for platforms and waiting area, and, on the other, the urbanization of the area.
The construction is of fair-faced concrete, with curtain walls and corrugated sheet metal roofing with remarkable resistance to extreme environmental conditions.
The facility consists of three covered parking bays and an additional parking space, and special care was taken in the design of the access, maneuvering and bus stops, with easy pedestrian access. The terminal building has a floor area of 226 square meters.
The entire design sought an adequate urban integration and a substantial improvement in functional mobility.