2024 Feb 15

Extraco’s headquarters in the neighbourhood of A Lonia (Ourense) have an installation of 176 square metres of solar panels with a nominal power of 33kW (36.73 kW peak value). Located on the roof of the warehouses and the pavement laboratory, this installation was financially supported by the Spanish government’s Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving [...]
read more...2024 Jan 28

The Sevillian municipality of La Rinconada recently inaugurated the new building for the regional fire station, built by Extraco by request of the Provincial Council of Seville. The works involved a new building with a basement (warehouse and parking), ground floor (hangar for intervention vehicles and their installations, training room and locker rooms), first floor [...]
read more...2023 Dec 26
The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) has renewed the carbon footprint verification certificate of Extraco’s productive activity in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHC), the most widely implemented standardized methodology worldwide for the measurement and calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) The procedure was implemented as a voluntary CSR tool by the [...]
read more...2023 Nov 30

The objective is to achieve more environmentally friendly bituminous mixtures through the implementation of strategies that allow the use of polymeric waste as substitutes for virgin aggregates. The R&D project titled Estrada, led by Extraco, with the participation of Gestan Conteco, the support of Cetim (Multisectoral Research Technological Center) and the Universidade de Santiago de [...]
read more...2023 Oct 15

Last September, the project for the recovery and enhancement of the surroundings of the medieval bridge of Furelos (Melide), on the French Way to Santiago de Compostela, managed to make its way into the 1st International Congress on Public Works Heritage and Civil Engineering, which took place in different venues in Cuenca, Toledo and Madrid. [...]
read more...2023 Sep 25

The new building of the Adult Education Center Antonio Machado in Zafra, built by Extraco at the request of the Regional Government of Extremadura, was inaugurated weeks ago for the current academic year. Divided in four modules connected by galleries, the striking building shows three of them suspended on pillars and has an open garden [...]
read more...2023 Aug 25

Within the scope of Extraco’s energy efficiency policy, several electric charging points have been set up outside the workshop building at the company’s headquarters in Ourense. The aim is to facilitate electric propulsion charging in order to gradually increase the fleet of sustainable vehicles and machinery. In this initiative, Extraco has taken advantage of the [...]
read more...2023 Jul 26

The new Yarinacocha boulevard is a large pedestrian and recreational area (24,000 square meters) on the shores of the lake of the same name. This is a major project, mostly executed by Extraco’s branch in Peru, which included the construction of a breakwater, a tourist and artisanal fishing pier for loading and unloading, a viewpoint [...]
read more...2023 Jun 23

The Galician Association of Civil Engineers decided to distinguish Extraco with the San Telmo Award as one of the companies responsible for the works of the high-speed train to Galicia. In the event held at the headquarters of the Barrié Foundation, in A Coruña, the work carried out by the company was specifically recognized, in [...]
read more...2023 Jun 14
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