
Presidential visit to Extraco’s construction works in Peru

Recently, one of Exaco’s construction sites in Peru received a presidential visit. Ollanta Humala, acting president of the country, together with other representatives from the Peruvian Ministry of Education, could see for himself the progress in the construction of the school I.E. Juan Manuel Iturregui, located in the region of Lambayeque.

Extraco expects the education center, whose works started last autumn, to be opened the next 15th of July.

This school is not the first that Extraco builds in the Andean country. In fact, it is also developing adequacy, improvement and replacement works in the school Ventura Ccalamanqui, located in Barranca (Lima), and has taken part in improvement and expansion actions of educational services in the Chumbivilcas province (Cusco), specifically in the districts of Santo Tomás, Llusco and Quiñota.
