2020 Mar 24
Extraco, partner and speaker of the 8th National Conference on Civil Engineering
Extraco is one of the companies that have participated in the 7th National Conference on Civil Engineering, held in Madrid on February 17th and 18th, 2020. The conference, organized by the Official Association of Civil Engineers using the theme “Civil engineers as leaders”, covered different topics related to the field of civil engineering and public works. Some of those topics were: the future of mobility in the 21st century; the autonomous vehicle and the Urban Agenda; the challenge of digital transformation; climate change; energy storage; the circular economy and management, funding, and innovation in public works.
Besides sponsoring the conference, Extraco presented to a panel of experts the communication entitled “Study of radon gas diffusion in buildings located on top of granitic soils and their relationship with geothermal soundings”. The presentation included the preliminary results of the R&D project “GEO4RADON: Forecasting and improvement of geothermal heating and cooling systems and analysis of the influence of soundings on radon gas diffusion”. This project is being co-funded by the Galician Innovation Agency–GAIN, Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry of the Xunta de Galicia, for a three-year period (2018-2020) through ERDF funds within the framework of the program CONECTAPEME (Ref. IN852A 2018/38).